_o_               .oooooo..o              .o8        o8o  oooo             _o_    
 ,-.'---`.__/;         d8P'    `Y8             "888        `"'  `888         ,-.'---`.__/;       
((j`=====',-'          Y88bo.      oooo    ooo  888oooo.  oooo   888        ((j`=====',-'     
 `-\     /              `"Y8888o.   `88.  .8'   d88' `88b `888   888         `-\     /  
    `-=-'                   `"Y88b   `88..8'    888   888  888   888            `-=-'  
     _o_               oo     .d8P    `888'     888   888  888   888             _o_ 
 ,-.'---`.__/;         8""88888P'      .8'      `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o        ,-.'---`.__/;
((j`=====',-'                      .o..P'                                   ((j`=====',-'        
 `-\     /                         `Y8P'   SYBIL ✧・゚ PAN/TRANS               `-\     /   
    `-=-'                                                                       `-=-'
     _o_               -------------------sybilOS--------------------            _o_   
 ,-.'---`.__/;                                                               ,-.'---`.__/;             
((j`=====',-'                                                               ((j`=====',-' 
 `-\     /                                                                   `-\     /
    `-=-'              Sybil's 2014 iPod Classic Playlist -.                    `-=-' 
 ,-.'---`.__/;      > Sybil runs a blog where she reviews Tea.                  LIKES: 
((j`=====',-'         Nobody really cares.                                      Golf
 `-\     /                                                                      Tennis
    `-=-'           > Her unfathomably rich parents dont really keep            Cigarettes 
     _o_              track of her or what she does with their wealth.          Running
 ,-.'---`.__/;                                                                  Girls
((j`=====',-'       > Used to act out a ton in high school to get               Writing
 `-\     /            her parent's attention. She even got hooked on            Tea
    `-=-'             ciggarettes for a while. She gave up later though,        Deserts
     _o_              and shes been mostly nicotine-free for years.             Daria
((j`=====',-'       > Uses her parents fortune very liberally. Doesnt 
 `-\     /            have a problem taking people places in her car or         HATES:
    `-=-'             buying them stuff like food or clothes.                   Money
     _o_                                                                        Hearing people eat
 ,-.'---`.__/;      > Never really learned empathy due to her shitty            Cigarettes
((j`=====',-'         upbringing, but shes managed to at least become          
 `-\     /            acquainted with a few people at her college. 
     _o_            > Really, really mean, but not totally void of 
 ,-.'---`.__/;        humanity. She's not one to comfort, but she knows
((j`=====',-'         when she's gone too far. seeing people start crying
 `-\     /            will usually be her que to stop, but not always.
     _o_            > It's very rare to see anything other then a smug  
 ,-.'---`.__/;        grin or a scowl on her face.
 `-\     /          > Rarely gets more then 4 hours of sleep a night. 
    `-=-'             It shows in her baggy eyes and miserable demeanor.
 ,-.'---`.__/;      > Really insecure. All her confidence is pretty
((j`=====',-'         fragile and faked. 
 `-\     /
    `-=-'           > Insert mean snarky quote
might have to click the button twice.
     _o_     ♥  
 ,-.'---`.__/;      > Despite her 'Holier Than Thou' attitude, shes a 
((j`=====',-'         total sub in bed. 
 `-\     /
    `-=-'      ♥    > A lot of her fantasies involve her being put in 
     _o_     ♥        place, or being taken care of. 
((j`=====',-'       > Despite being one, she hates bottoms with a 
 `-\     /            burning passion.
    `-=-'      ♥
     _o_     ♥      > Loves girls.
((j`=====',-'       > Fat fucking cocks, too.
 `-\     /            